Thursday 26 March 2009

Genesis TV

I was blessed today to have the opportunity to appear on the Simply the Truth show on Genesis TV.

The topic of the show was Theology. What is it, who should do it and why should they do it. Here's my take.

Theology is literally the study of God, more than that however, Christian Theology is the study of the Bible within a Christian worldview. We start with the premise that there is a God, that He has revealed himself in the scriptures and in His Son, Jesus Christ. Theology then takes this premise and constructs a worldview based on it.

This is why Theology is so important. Your worldview, your beliefs, will affect your actions. If what you believe about God is wrong, then your actions will potentially be equally wrong.

My fellow-guest was a brother in Christ called Jeremy Walker, Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church. A very fine and solid guy, I hope to meet him again.

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