Thursday 1 May 2008

Fourty days of the purpose driven left behind prayer of what would jabez do

I was listening to Phil Johnson's fantastic review of The Prayer Of Jabez and I wondered what the latest evangellycal fad was today.

Now don't get be wrong, some of these fads actually do bring people into the church (the hidden church), they spurn people to good works and prayer. But they are faddish and they don't last. The question is, do they leave any good legacies behind or just spiritual casualties as Phil Johnson feared.

What's the latest fad where you are? Post a response and let me know!


Unknown said...

Hi Leigh. So where is this fantastic review of the Prayer of Jabberwocky?

Here's mine, from way back... ever wondered why I don't have it in stock?

The Prayer of Jabez

Leigh said...

Hey there Pilgrim,

That is a fantastic and glowing review! Thankyou.

The review that I.. Listened to is here:
(actually I found the text!)

It amazes me that there are actually still people who pray that prayer daily and expect things to happen. Perhaps they do.