Wednesday 9 April 2008

Ideas have consequences

I just saw this video on another blog:

It is a great example of how atheistic ideas have real life consequences, as do all ideas.

Atheists may say that their atheism is neutral, that their world view does not point anybody in any directions. But in fact, like any other idea, it most certainly does. The problem is that it points to pointlessness, the atheist has no basis for their rationality or for their morality.

Indeed, you could argue that atheism leads to fatalism. Lets try this now..

The universe just happened, we do not know why, it just did.
The universe is comprised of particles, atoms, molecules, energy.
These components of the universe interact in what, according to the atheist, should be deterministic ways.

So lets say that you could know the current state of the whole universe, in the way that you can know the state of a domino layout. If you had this knowledge then you should be able to predict the outcome of the universe, in the same way that you can predict that if you start the domino layout falling at one end, it will eventually reach the other end.

This is fatalism.

Now the more scientifically inclined atheist will say that Quantum Randomness can add some uncertainty to this. OK, so lets say that it does. If you have uncertainty then the universe is chaotic and random.

So then the universe is capricious.

Either way, be the universe fatalistic or capricious, the atheist has no basis for condoning or condemning anything as it was either bound to happen or it just happened randomly.

Hope you enjoyed the video!

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